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RioSport Centre Gym
Surreal Ads

RioSport is the biggest gym in Rio de Janeiro. Almost half of Rio de Janeiro’s population is sedentary. We designed a series of ads getting Rio de Janeiro’s people, espeacially workers, to know the benefits of exercise by changing sedentary habits and adding more sports to their lives.

Green Ad

The art direction is a free surrealistic collage interpretation, matching the two universes: work and a particular sport activity. It’s surreal not practicing sports.


There’s no sense sweating only at work. Add more sports into your routine.

Blue Ad

Dive into work, but catch your breath at the pool. Add more sports into your routine.

Pink Ad

In the morning, meeting with the client.
In the evening, meeting with you. 

Add more sports into your routine.


We also designed an app where RioSport users could look for other people for sport activities at anytime, and in real-time. It could be someone to run or bike with, a tennis partner or a missing soccer player to fill out a team. Each user simply sets the sport activity they want to do at that moment. The app finds people close to each other that are looking to play the same sport using geo-location.
Then it’s simply a matter of selecting a match and they are done. The game is already set up for them at the gym.

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