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Maré Watches
The Women's Time Campaign

If women earn, on average, 20% less than men, they would need 29 hours daily to get the same amount. Based on this premise using strategy data, it was created a campaign for the handmade and sustainable watch brand Maré, in which the product showcases the 24 traditional hours with five hours in addition.


Big Idea

Named “The Women’s Time” / O Tempo Delas”, the campaign included the delivery of watches for top executives and influencers, so that the topic could be discussed within important companies in the market. The watches used were handcrafted from pressing debris from jeans and leather scraps left over in clothing production. The video that presents the idea also shows the manufacturing process of the product. On International Women's Day it has been created and sent a symbol against being late to CEOs of large companies to put the issue in evidence.


★ More than 163 million people impacted on social media

★ R$ 32.000.000 of spontaneous media

 756% increase in mentions on gender-based wage gap

★ More than 130 big companies have taken a stand on the topic

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