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People Transform People Campaign

★ YouTube Ads Leaderboard: 2nd largest campaign with the most visits in Sept 2016
★ More then 30 Million people impacted on Facebook and Youtube

Sesc is a private entity supported by business men from the Tourism, Trade and Services sectors of the economy whose main goal is to provide well-being and quality of life for workers in the industry. To celebrate the Sesc’s 70 year anniversary an online campaign with the concept:
“People Transform People” was created, inspired by Sesc’s principles. Three different emotional 2-minute films exploring the theme was launched on YouTube and all social media platforms. 

The Village

The first film is about a group of kids that love to play soccer in front of an annoying neighbor’s house. She hates the noise and the mess those kids make and continuously keeps the soccer ball everytime she has an opportunity trying to stop the game, at least for a while. Time goes by and the kids tired of losing the ball every time go elsewhere to play soccer. The annoying neighbor is happy with the silence now. She could do whatever she wants in peace. But she starts missing the kids. Every time she looks through the window and there’s no one outside, she misses them. Nothing she does quietly at home is fun anymore. Then, one night she has an idea. The next day, the kids are surprised by what they are seeing. A goalie net was painted on the wall right where they use to play soccer. In the next scene, the annoying neighbor is washing her hands that were full of paint, listening happily to the children’s noise again. The film ends with the concept: “People transform people and for 70 years Sesc believes that.”


At the end of each film we invite users to a hotsite not only getting to know more about Sesc attributes and activities, but also asking Sesc users to tell a true story that changed people’s lives. The top 5 stories would be annimated by a famous brazilian illustrator and shown in all Sesc’s communication around the country.

The Square

The second film is about a sad old man. He is in the middle of preparing for a party in a small town. Everybody is having fun, except him. When everything is about to start he leaves the party. One of the kids realizes he is going away and decides to follow him until he gets home. The boy is caught by surprise when he sees through the window that the old man was actually a famous clown when he was young. The next day, the old man is sleeping on the bench again, as usual. He wakes up and sees the boy wearing a clown nose smiling at him. For the first time in years, the old man smiles. The clown’s spirit is back. The film ends with the concept: “People transform people and for 70 years Sesc believes that.”

The Dance

The third film is about a boy who wants to learn ballroom dancing. He involves your entire family to join him in his quest. The boy is practising everywhere, and all the time. During the process his eyes meet those of a girl from his classroom a few times. After a while, It seems that his efforts finally paid off. A big family party is on and he is ready to show what he has been learning. The girl from his classroom was also invited. Their eyes meet again. Slowly he goes over and invites his grand mother for a ballroom dance, honoring his grandfather who passed away. The camera moves away showing pictures of his grandparents dancing from when they were young till they become elderly. The film ends with the concept: “People transform people and for 70 years Sesc believes that.”

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